Mummy has been super busy with school lately so I haven't been able to get out to play. :( I do remind her once in awhile that I need some attention too besides food and potty. I know she is studying hard so I try not to bother her, but this past Sunday we went for a car ride. Instead of going to see Dr. O'Leary we went to the far away dog park! I got to meet Mia and Sig, Wrinkles' friends! Wrinkles wasn't able to join us b/c he wasn't feeling too well. His mommy thought he should stay home. Bummer. Friday was Halloween...hardly any kids came to my house! :( All dressed up for nothing!
Here are some pictures of everyone at the park:
Oh yeah, Aunty Kori has a new website up now for the panties! Please check it out!
Also, Mummy is selling AVON to help with rescue and the Rabies Challenge Fund too! So please buy your holiday gifts there!
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